Saturday 8 October 2011

Hail Nut and Geb!!

Finally, after months of searching I have found my Matron and Patron deities, and how convenient that they are lovers =D The Egyptian deity Nut (pronounced Noot) is the Goddess of the Sky and Stars, and is considered one of the oldest Egyptian deities. She is the mother of the cosmos and of the deities Horus the Elder, Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys (Nef-tees). I was drawn to her because of my love for the stars, ever since I was a little girl I would spend hours outside under my Mother, marveling at the stars on her body. I'm amazed this never occurred to me before, but I am so happy that I have finally found her!! =D My patron God Geb is also an Egyptian deity and Nut's lover, but they are also brother and sister! yes get your head around that! haha. Geb is an earth God, of the ground, trees, grass etc. He is my Wiccan Green Man. I know that in wicca the earth is often considered feminine, but I've always felt a male energy too, and Pagyptsian who is also a blogger on here, told me that she follows Gaia too, Goddess of the Earth, and finds her in the earth's core, deep underground. I have talked to Gaia yet, I'm slowly getting there = )

Their children, Osiris, Set, Isis, Nepthys and Horus the Elder were born on the 5 Epagomenal days that Thoth won Nut from Khonsu, the Moon God.

Dua Nuit, Dua Geb!!

Blessed Be .... )O(

Friday 29 July 2011


It always fascinates me that when I get to know someone and become friends with them that they can so easily reject you and turn on you once they find out that you're Wiccan. I've lost a few friends on the way and have come to the conclusion that they were never worth my time, but how does one deal with the fact that your own older brother doesn't want you?? 
For as long as I can remember my eldest brother has bullied me, mostly because of my weight. But as soon as I started my path in Wicca it has fueled his anger and hatred towards me. He does not live in the same house as me anymore, which is good, he used to get me feeling so low about myself that I would consider, and did, try and hurt myself. It seems that all that I am is not good enough for his love. He was here the other day and told me that he hated me, that he never wants to talk to me again, and that he would drive over me in his car if he could. How can someone who is meant to be your family and love you have that much hatred towards you?
A lot of tears that are wasted on him have occurred, but not in front of him, I would never give him that satisfaction. I am who I am, and I am never changing that for anyone. If I have to loose a few more friends and family on the way then so be it, I will live my life happily in the knowledge that I know who I am, and that I love me for me and anyone who doesn't should get out of my way.

Monday 4 July 2011


Ok, so I've decided (at least for now and hopefully forever) that I'm going to follow Tameran Wicca. This is something that I have been trying to decide on for the past 2 years or so. I originally picked Celtic but once I started following that path I felt a little confined and disconnected, I don't know if that is the right word but I definitely began to feel withdrawn from the Craft for some reason. So to change that feeling I began searching for a new path and decided to look into Tameran because of my love of Ancient Egypt. I've already begun researching the Deities and already I feel much more strongly connected to these deities, as I have known about them since I was a small child and recognise and easily affiliate with them. With that in mind, I also strongly affiliate with a number of female Celtic Goddesses, namely Morrigan, Cerridwen and Brighid, and Celtic Gods of Lugh and Cernunnos. These deities I will also keep in my faith as I feel that I have been drawn to them for a reason and will continue to keep them in my practice and worship, as well as other key components of Celtic Magick, such as herbalism and crystal work.
   After coming to this decision I feel much more at ease and in many ways free and liberated. I cannot wait to start practicing Egyptian magick and rituals, but I know I must take this journey slowly and research it properly as I know it will mean much more to me if I do.

Friday 1 July 2011

Tameran or Celtic?

I have been having some trouble lately on whether or not I should be following the Celtic or Egyptian path, i.e. Celtic or Tameran Wicca, because I have a love for both of these paths. I know I can mix the two if I wanted to but I feel that I am the kind of person who likes to follow a specific path. I have been reading up and doing my research on Tameran Wicca and a few places and people have said that in Tameran Wicca you mainly. and for the majority of the time, follow the Egyptian Deities/Myth etc, but can also follow other deities of other cultures. I thought this would work perfectly as I love all of the Egyptian deities, whether I can connect to them will be another story, and a few of the Celtic I have connected strongly to such as Morrigan, an irish war goddess, and Brighid, an irish fire goddess, and Arianrhod, a welsh crone goddess of wisdom. 
 I have found a book online, Circle of Isis by Ellen Cannon Reed, and once I am able I will buy it as it is said to be a great book for beginning Tameran Wiccans. So I will read that and see = ) I feel, though, as if I have begun wicca all over again. Because it is a different practice or form and I'm not sure if I will be able to adjust, but we shall see!!