Saturday 8 October 2011

Hail Nut and Geb!!

Finally, after months of searching I have found my Matron and Patron deities, and how convenient that they are lovers =D The Egyptian deity Nut (pronounced Noot) is the Goddess of the Sky and Stars, and is considered one of the oldest Egyptian deities. She is the mother of the cosmos and of the deities Horus the Elder, Osiris, Set, Isis and Nephthys (Nef-tees). I was drawn to her because of my love for the stars, ever since I was a little girl I would spend hours outside under my Mother, marveling at the stars on her body. I'm amazed this never occurred to me before, but I am so happy that I have finally found her!! =D My patron God Geb is also an Egyptian deity and Nut's lover, but they are also brother and sister! yes get your head around that! haha. Geb is an earth God, of the ground, trees, grass etc. He is my Wiccan Green Man. I know that in wicca the earth is often considered feminine, but I've always felt a male energy too, and Pagyptsian who is also a blogger on here, told me that she follows Gaia too, Goddess of the Earth, and finds her in the earth's core, deep underground. I have talked to Gaia yet, I'm slowly getting there = )

Their children, Osiris, Set, Isis, Nepthys and Horus the Elder were born on the 5 Epagomenal days that Thoth won Nut from Khonsu, the Moon God.

Dua Nuit, Dua Geb!!

Blessed Be .... )O(

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