Monday 4 July 2011


Ok, so I've decided (at least for now and hopefully forever) that I'm going to follow Tameran Wicca. This is something that I have been trying to decide on for the past 2 years or so. I originally picked Celtic but once I started following that path I felt a little confined and disconnected, I don't know if that is the right word but I definitely began to feel withdrawn from the Craft for some reason. So to change that feeling I began searching for a new path and decided to look into Tameran because of my love of Ancient Egypt. I've already begun researching the Deities and already I feel much more strongly connected to these deities, as I have known about them since I was a small child and recognise and easily affiliate with them. With that in mind, I also strongly affiliate with a number of female Celtic Goddesses, namely Morrigan, Cerridwen and Brighid, and Celtic Gods of Lugh and Cernunnos. These deities I will also keep in my faith as I feel that I have been drawn to them for a reason and will continue to keep them in my practice and worship, as well as other key components of Celtic Magick, such as herbalism and crystal work.
   After coming to this decision I feel much more at ease and in many ways free and liberated. I cannot wait to start practicing Egyptian magick and rituals, but I know I must take this journey slowly and research it properly as I know it will mean much more to me if I do.

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