Friday, 1 July 2011

Tameran or Celtic?

I have been having some trouble lately on whether or not I should be following the Celtic or Egyptian path, i.e. Celtic or Tameran Wicca, because I have a love for both of these paths. I know I can mix the two if I wanted to but I feel that I am the kind of person who likes to follow a specific path. I have been reading up and doing my research on Tameran Wicca and a few places and people have said that in Tameran Wicca you mainly. and for the majority of the time, follow the Egyptian Deities/Myth etc, but can also follow other deities of other cultures. I thought this would work perfectly as I love all of the Egyptian deities, whether I can connect to them will be another story, and a few of the Celtic I have connected strongly to such as Morrigan, an irish war goddess, and Brighid, an irish fire goddess, and Arianrhod, a welsh crone goddess of wisdom. 
 I have found a book online, Circle of Isis by Ellen Cannon Reed, and once I am able I will buy it as it is said to be a great book for beginning Tameran Wiccans. So I will read that and see = ) I feel, though, as if I have begun wicca all over again. Because it is a different practice or form and I'm not sure if I will be able to adjust, but we shall see!!


  1. I can relate to what you are going through. For a few years I have been disconnected with my path. Not that I no longer believe or feel that this is for me, but I have rarely done ritual work and I feel that now I need to do this to feel more connected to deity. The past year I have really felt a pull to the Egyptian pantheon. I am curently reading Circle of Isis. You may really like it when you get to read it. You can feel the great love the author has for Egyptian deity. Once I am finiched with this one I will star Egyptian Paganism, you may also find this book to be helpful if you have not read it already.

  2. yes, im planning on buying both books actually!
    =D im going to take it slow and do my research before i start doing egyptian paganism = ) though at the moment i have a little shrine for my Egyptian Gods/Goddesses and its been really perfect so far. my love for the egyptian Gods is just growing. im amazed you actually saw my post!! haha

  3. Yeah these things are hard to find. Luckily I stumbled upon it. I am still studying this myself, but I feel a strong need to declare myself to Isis or that she is calling to me to be my Matron Goddess. I am actually going to rededicate myself to Wicca either on Lughnasadh or during the next full moon. Then I will see if Isis is willing to be my Matron. I also have "A Concise Guide to Ancient Egyptian Magick and Religion" which I will get around to reading as soon as I can. I don't know if you have read this or if it is a book you may be interested in. So many books so little time LOL.
